Monday, November 1, 2010

Sharing My Pot Roast "Recipe"

Happy November!

I've decided to document that I cooked today.

Because... wow.  I cooked.

Fact:  You never notice how dirty something is until you set up to take a picture of it.  At least the front of my crock pot isn't too hard to clean.
I'm making a pot roast for dinner.  My sweet Bond isn't usually really excited about pot roast, but for some reason he really likes mine, and I think I know why.  (It has nothing to do with me, though.)

1)  We start with the right meat.  Ranch Foods Direct is where we prefer to buy our beef from.  (This is also where Drifter's gets their meat from.  Drifter's is my favorite burger joint.  And yes, I know I keep putting 'from' at the end of my sentences and you're not supposed to do that.  I'll teach my kids better.  I promise.)

2)  I use worcestershire sauce.  According to Bond, that is the magic ingredient in anything you use beef in. (Bah hah!  Another preposition at the end of a sentence.)  I use worcestershire sauce in hand-made burger patties, in chili, in spaghetti sauce... you get the picture.  If it has beef, it also has worcestershire sauce.  But, I don't use it in taco meat.

That's all that makes it special.  I think.  Here's everything I used today, in case you're curious:

1 can cream of mushroom soup
1 packet of dried onion soup
1 cup beef broth (I use Better Than Bullion for my broth)
8 carrots, cut in 3 inch slices
6 potatoes, quartered
1 med-large onion, sliced

Today I actually browned the roast.. I don't usually do that.  But between the America's Test Kitchen show I saw last week, and the movie Julie and Julia.. or whatever it's called.. I decided I should brown it.  So.. I tried that.  I dusted each side with garlic salt and a few splashes of worcestershire sauce first.  I threw the potatoes and carrots in the bottom of the crock, set the seared meat gently on top (doesn't that sound nicer if I write it that way?), salted and peppered the meat - just for good measure - sprinkled the onions on top, then poured on the mix of soups and broths.  Put the lid on, set the temperature and TA DA!!  Look!  I cooked!

I'm going to have Sunshine help me make bread in the bread machine later today, call that Cooking for Kindergarten 101, and we'll have fresh bread with dinner too.  Should be yummy.

If I remember, I'll take a picture of the finished product before we dig in!

Are you hungry yet?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...
